Monday, September 30, 2019

Government Intervention and Internet Regulation Essay

Government Intervention and Internet Regulation Internet is a global network that connects millions of computers together and allows people to communicate and share information with each other in an effective and easy way. It has become the most widely used means of communications of recent times. â€Å"The number of U. S. homes with one or more personal computers increased by 16% (in 1995) to about 38 million households, up from 33 million in 1994 and 25 million in 1993† (Fox 9). Along with that staggering stat, the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science has reported that 95% of the public has access to the Internet† (â€Å"Free Essay†). Internet is filled with a lot of information on almost every topic in the world and anyone can access that information anytime he or she wants and most often that information is available for free. The very fact that everything is so easily available over the internet has become a cause of great concern because people can access information that they are not supposed to view. This has given the rise to a great debate over the use internet regulation versus the concept of net neutrality. â€Å"Internet regulation is basically restricting or controlling access to certain aspects or information† (â€Å"Internet Regulation†). The proponents of regulation argue that some form of government intervention is necessary to keep a check on the information people access over the internet because that information might be a source of harm for the society in general. Whereas on the other hand, the proponents of concept of net neutrality state that if a person pays for his internet access, then there should be no restrictions on the content that he can view. Because internet is filled with all sorts of information and anyone can access unsuitable information at anytime, some sort of government intervention is necessary in the form of internet regulation to uphold the morals of the society. There are several ways through which internet can be regulated. Government can make use of the â€Å"state control approach† to â€Å"intervene directly and place technical controls on the content that can be accessed by their citizens† (Darlington). â€Å"A classic case is Saudi Arabia where all of the country’s Internet service providers have to go through a central node where the Saudi authorities block access to sites hosting pornography, those believed to cause religious offence, and web sites containing information on bomb-making† (Darlington). Another form of regulation, â€Å"the self regulation approach† is based on â€Å"voluntary initiatives by the Internet Service Providers (ISP) industry† (Darlington). As per this approach, the ISPs try to control the type of content available to the customers and they keep a check on information being accessed over the internet. â€Å"Classically this is the approach in Britain where there is no written constitution and government has shown no wish to legislate† (Darlington). And perhaps the most commonly used and widely accepted form of regulation is the use of filtering techniques through which access to some parts of the information can be controlled for some particular users. For example, parents can use filters to restrict their children from viewing inappropriate explicit content. One of the arguments for having regulation is that internet can be accessed by anyone. Initially, it was supposed to cater to the needs of the American military establishments. Then its uses spread over to the academic communities and today it can be accessed by any individuals from any country and belonging to any age group. For example, a child can easily view inappropriate content from his bedroom at any time he wants. This should not happen because that material can corrupt the mind of that child and can have some serious negative effects. â€Å"As the speed of the Internet increased dramatically with the development of broadband access in the late 1990s and early 2000s, not only has more of this type of information become more available, but also users have been able to access this information in greater quantity† (â€Å"Internet Legal Definition†). So in such circumstances, â€Å"we must have some procedures for tackling illegal content on the Internet and some mechanisms for allowing end user control of what is accessed on the Internet† (Darlington). â€Å"It is argued that the genesis of the Internet was such that it embraced and fostered a new spirit of freedom, openness and experimentation and that these values must remain an integral feature of the Internet† and if any form of regulation is introduced then the whole essence of the internet will be lost and people would not be able to access the vast resources of information that it has to offer (Darlington). The opponents of regulation also argue that any form of internet regulation is against the individual’s rights to freedom of expression and the concept of net neutrality because in such a scenario a person may not be able to choose the content he wants to view. However, it should be clearly understood that society is greater than a single person and if such rights of freedom cause harm to the values of the society as a whole, then it is perhaps the responsibility of the government to intervene and restrict the rights given to every individual in order to maintain those values. There is offensive content on the internet†, so this justifies the use of internet restrictions (Darlington). Internet is filled with explicit content. There are thousands of websites that contain pornographic materials which is considered inappropriate for minors and mostly this content is available for free, so there is no additional cost of viewing it besides the charges paid to the ISP. â€Å" Also there are some sites which propagate extremist views, often of a racist nature† (Darlington). Though such explicit material is legal to be viewed by an individual of a certain age which in most countries is set at 18, there is no one particular way of making sure that it is not viewed by anyone under this age because individuals can mislead the system and hide correct personal information. So in such a scenario, the most effective way for individuals who have responsibility of the children, like parents and teachers, is to limit the access to such material through the use of filters. These filters allow censorship of inappropriate material using the ratings provided by the websites. However, it should be kept in mind that this censorship technique â€Å"enable adults to control their own access to material so they do not stumble across things (advertising, violence, erotica/pornography, religious or political material etc. ), which offend them† (â€Å"Internet Regulation†). So in a way it is a matter of personal choice and responsibility which gives an individual the power to choose what he views because one can easily change filter settings to control the type of content available to him. Despite all the great uses provided by the internet, it is used by some people for illegal purposes; therefore, the use of regulation is justified because â€Å"a stringent internet regulation can help to curb the innumerable illegal activities over the net† (Manohar). Examples of such criminal activities include â€Å"copyright theft, credit card fraud, financial scams, money laundering, hacking, industrial espionage, cyber terrorism, actual terrorism, bomb making instructions, prostitution, certain forms of gambling, drug use, drug smuggling, suicide assistance, defamatory allegations, cyber stalking† (Darlington). In recent times, people have started to complain about the ever increasing number of spam emails that are sent over the internet. â€Å"The number of spam messages sent increased nearly 300 percent from 2001 to 2002 — from 14,078,511 to 55,683,103, according to e-mail filtering company Brightmail† ( Kornblum). â€Å"Spam refers to submitting the same message to a large group of individuals in an effort to force the message onto people who would otherwise choose not to receive this message† (â€Å"Spam†). In order to ensure that people do not indulge in such criminal activities and the society remains unharmed, the government must intervene to stop any of these activities from taking place by imposing restrictions. Some people argue that the internet is an enormous network which is growing rapidly as time progresses, so it is not possible to regulate the internet. The argument provided here is flawed because the fact that the internet is so large makes regulating it more difficult, but because it is difficult it does not mean that it should not be regulated. Some also argue that because â€Å"internet is different in operation from other communication networks†, so it should not be regulated (Darlington). â€Å"Whereas radio and television is pumped into millions of homes simultaneously (push technology), the Internet is an interactive medium and requires a particular user actively to seek a particular site or application (pull technology)† (Darlington). The very nature of the way in which the end user consumes the internet makes a good argument for having some sort of formal restrictions. In the case of radio and television, there are certain restrictions on the amount of violence and sex that goes through. So even if an individual wants to see something â€Å"special†, there is absolutely no way in which he can do that if nothing such is broadcast at that time, but the case of internet is quite different. A person can view anything, anytime and anywhere he wants. Therefore, regulation acts as a great measure to ensure that a check is maintained over the usage of the internet. Some people even argue that it is not the responsibility of the government to protect the children against the inappropriate content that is available over the internet because it has got other tasks to take care of and instead â€Å"those responsible for them at the time – parents, teachers, guardians, supervisors – should control what they access on the Internet† (Darlington). â€Å"While children and teenagers need a certain amount of privacy, they also need parental involvement and supervision in their daily lives† (â€Å"Free Essay†). One way suggested by these people requires the parents to spend time with their children when they are online so that they can keep a check on what their children are accessing. But this kind of total control can not be exercised by those responsible for children because they can not be present at all times. Furthermore, internet can now easily be accessed on mobile devices so it can be easily misused and in the case of a school where a teacher has to look after a lot of students, it is practically impossible for her to monitor the activities of each student at the same time. So â€Å"while parents and teachers must exercise responsibility, they should be assisted by other approaches including the taking down of sites with criminal content and the filtering of sites with offensive or inappropriate content† (Darlington). The debate over the topic of internet regulation versus the concept of net neutrality has become a great issue these days because of the ever growing increase in the usage of the internet and its implications on the society in general.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Marrying someone from a different country Essay

Is marrying someone from a different country more problematic than marrying someone from your own country? In today‘s fast-moving world, travelling and connecting with people all around the globe is becoming more and more comon. Because of the increasing globalisation, it often leads to international marriages. It is a new age concept and an endless discussion. However, I believe marrying a foreigner to be a norm rather than an anomaly. The main positive aspect of international marriage is learning so much about different cultures. It is a great way to broaden your horizons and to learn a foreign language because practicing it with your spouse is an inevitable routine. In other words, international marriage is a symbol of cultural integration and gives a great opportunity to have an open mind. Furthermore, children from international marriages are likely to become bilingual. Although raising a bilingual child requires hard work, it is generously rewarded. Children with the ability to handle multiple languages profit in many aspects of life. Finally, international couples are obliged to travel more. With relatives in different countries, holidays are often spent abroad. In line with cultural challenges, travelling expands one‘s way of thinking and opens up new perspectives on life. Every marriage requires commitment, dedication and work. International marriages need even more attention because of the additional issues. In some cases, cultural shock may be a serious issue for the new family. However, the key to a successful intercultural marriage is to develop understanding and patience. Discussing the expectations in every area brings a positive vibe to a relationship and helps to build a strong international family.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A simple informative essay on child abuse Essay

Child abuse is the controlled acts that result in the physical or emotional damage of children. The term ?child abuse? covers different ranges of behavior, from physical assault by parents or gaurdians to neglecting a child. Child abuse is wrong and God didn?t create children for adults to abuse. They are blessings, not burdens. There is child abuse in the world because of ignorant people who want to feel powerful, so they beat on little kids and these kids think that violence against children is okay because their parents did it to them. They learn the wrong ways to parent a child, and this has to stop. It?s destroying our country. There are four main types of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect. Neglect is the most popular type of abuse. There are two types of neglect: pysical and emotional. With physical neglect, a parent fails to provide physical things, like food, medical care and shelter. Emotional neglect is when a parent fails to comfort the child or not pay attention to them. This includes being unaffectionate to them or allowing them to use alcohol or drugs. Physical abuse is intentional acts of violence that can injure or even kill children. Signs of physical abuse may include unexplained bruises, burn marks or broken bones. Sexual abuse is when adults use children for sexual satisfaction or force them into sexual activities. It may begin with kissing and/or fondling and progress to more indulging acts, like oral sex or intercourse. Emotional abuse is when an adult destroys a child?s self-esteem. You can do this by repeated verbal abuse in the forms of shouts, threats, humiliating or degrading criticism. Other types of emotional abuse are confinement, like shutting children in a dark closet or basement, and what is called social isolation. Social isolation is like when an adult denies the child to have friends. In 1997, 3 million children in the U.S. were reported as abused or neglected according to the National Center of Child Abuse and Neglect. There is another 1 million children whose cases go unreported. If convicted of child abuse, the abusers could spend up to one month in jail. Not prison, jail. If these people do not go to prison, they should at least spend more than one  month in jail. These people are disturbed if they beat on innocent children. Is is a fact that 2,000 children under the age of 18 are killed by parents or their caregivers and more kids under the age of four die from abuse than falling down, drowning, fires, choking on food or car accidents. 18,000 abused children do not die from the abuse, they suffer permanent disibilites. When the public sees child abuse cases being reported in the news, they assume the abusers are mentally ill but fewer than ten percent of these people have mental disorders which is very sad. These people supposedly love their children, and what do they do to show their love? They batter their children, rape them and make them feel like it is their fault that it happened. It is said that they really love their children, but they have less patience and a less mature attitude than most parents. There is no excuse for mistreating children and society is making excuses saying that there are many reasons why someone would abuse a child. They use stress and being a social outcast as excuses and because of this, we are hurting our country?s future. The consequences of child abuse and neglect can be devastating on a child. The physical injuries can vary from bruises, scrapes, burns, possibly brain damage, permanent disibilities and even death. The psychological injuries of abuse and neglect can sometimes be worse than the physical. They can last a lifetime and can include a low sense of self-worth, a reduced attention span, learning disorders and an inability to realate to their peers. Severe cases of abuse may cause disorders like depression, anxiety, identity crisis and an increased risk of sucide. During the abuse process, the victim may fall into a life of violence and crime. Some children may show no signs of disturbance, and many can cope with their problems. It is said that having a high intelligence, excellent achievement in school, having close personal relationships and not having a temper may help vent all the mistreatment in their life. This is really sad, these children grow up and don?t expose the people who hurt them in their childhood. The abusers walk without any guilt hanging over them and they don?t have to pay the bad deeds that they did. This is the kind of thing that makes people sick when they watch the news and hear about all the abuse. It?s revolting. There are many types of social programs in the United States. Usually the country and state levels of these programs have attempted to reduce and prevent child abuse. There are current approaches to determine who could potentially be at high-risk of being abusers, such as a young, single, first-time mother. These programs provide parent training, counseling, eduation and social support by visiting the home frequently, ecouraging the parent to be involved in the community, since it is less likely for an abuser to be involved with his/her community, and increasing the gaurdian?s knowledge about social services. There is also a program that is for unmarried teenage mothers. It is a home visitation program and these people visit the mother?s home before or when the child is born for two or maybe more years. With all the mother?s in the program, only four percent have gone on to abuse their child. 19 percent of women not in the program abuse their child(ren). Sadly, there are studies that show the more intervention programs a family receives, the more abuse occurs in the family. Many children learn how to be violent from their parents and they grow up and mistreat their own children. With this, the abusive behavior becomes a cycle and is transmitted through the generations. 30 percent of abused kids become abusive parents, but two out of three percent of non-abused children become abusive. Children who experience abuse and violence may adopt this behavior and use it as an example for their own parenting. Thankfully the majority of victims of abuse do not become abusers. Experts believe that later in life, these kids realize their parent?s behavior was wrong. Children who believe that their behavior is what caused the abuse and and deserved it are more likely to become abusive parents than the children who believed their parents were wrong to abuse them.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Examine how commitment to lifelong learning and reflective practice Essay

Examine how commitment to lifelong learning and reflective practice contributes to the role of being a health profession - Essay Example This academic paper provided guidelines for health professionals to explain, document, research and promote their professions. To complete the process of proving effectiveness, it is essential that health professionals undergo lifelong learning and reflective practice (Gross 2001). This academic paper will describe the concepts of lifelong learning and reflective practice, then it will discusses why both of them are necessary in this changing society. Followed by explaining commitment is important in lifelong learning and reflective practice to health professional area. Lifelong learning has been advocated by government agencies both local and international as well as private professional institutions because of its increasing importance with ensuring that health professionals are keeping up with the changing times. There are existing federal and international laws being applied to regulate professions and to serve as their early defence towards the increasing needs of the people in the society (Knowles et. al 2003). The efficacy of different health professions has not been fully explored. Some of these professions are relatively young professions and, therefore, needs all members of the field to contribute to its development (Riechmann 2000). Healthcare professionals should engage in continuing professional development (CPD) throughout their careers. This can be achieved through both formal activity, such as course attendance, and informal activity, such as reflective practice. However, about the latter, many healthcare practitioners have anxieties about when they might operate this activity and how they might undertake it (Kinsella 2001). While there are many methods of CPD, the government focuses on outcome and defines it as: ...a process of lifelong learning for all individuals and teams which meets the needs of patients and delivers the health outcomes. (Jourgin 2002). Lifelong learning is

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Management Operations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Management Operations - Assignment Example It begins with an outline of the problem and its consequences, then presents a process map and a service blueprint to show the ideal processes that would lead to a good customer experience, allowing the problems areas within the process to be identified. The issues identified will be explained using operations management concepts and possible solutions presented. The report will conclude with a summary of the findings and a set of recommended actions for the college. The Problem For the past few years, further education college â€Å"Town College† has had problems with the presentation of courses for their part time degree students in the marketing discipline. Last year, during the second semester, the international marketing communications course went through three tutors in the space of four weeks, causing several problems for both the college and the students. For the students, there was the lack of continuity in terms of teaching content and style, causing inconsistencies in what was taught and conflicting information being given by different tutors. Secondly, this lack of continuity was compounded for the assessment schedule, with coursework being set and briefed by the first tutor, then briefed again by the third tutor because they would be marking the assignment; and the exam preparation having to be rushed as it was the last tutor who had to prepare it to the necessary standards having taught a single week and with no idea as to what had specifically been covered during the first part of the course. This caused further problems for the students, who were unclear as to what would appear in the exam, and whether or not they had been adequately prepared. Overall, for the students, the learning experience was extremely poor. For the final member of staff teaching the students, the additional responsibilities of marking the assignment and setting and marking the exam, above the normal weekly course preparation, caused problems as there were no records of what had been presented by the previous tutors, therefore setting the exam questions was a matter of hoping that the areas covered in the exam paper had been covered adequately during classes. It actually transpired that one area, marketing ethics, had not been covered at all, requiring some last minute remedial work to be undertaken long distance as classes had finished by the time this was brought to the attention of the tutor. In addition, availability of resources such as photocopiers, flipcharts and pens, and computer access was not as good as it should have been, with photocopiers frequently out of paper and no automatic access to them as the contract was temporary. For the college, the quality of the learning experience delivered overall was not up to standard. There were complaints from the students. There was much rushing around to complete tasks towards the end that should have been done already. Quality standards were potentially compromised, as both the tutor and exa m board had to be asked to take into consideration the circumstances surrounding the course,

The Parametric Curve Defined Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Parametric Curve Defined - Assignment Example B, C and D were held constant at 1. Plots of the various values of A are shown below to understand the resulting behavior using an increment of 0.5. At A = 0, the curve resembles a straight vertical line between y = -1 and y = 1. However, as A is increased to 0.5, the curve provides an elliptical shape that is skewed on the x-axis. At A = 1, the curve becomes a perfect circle. As A is increased to both 1.5 and 2, the curve gains greater elliptical nature on the x axis such that the ellipse’s major axis lies on the x-axis. Therefore, it could be surmised that variation in the amplitude constant for the x parametric curve (A) tends to produce elongation on the x-axis. The amplitude constant for the y parametric curve (C) was varied using default values in Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, which ranged between 0 and 2. Moreover, all other constants i.e. A, B and D were held constant at 1. Plots of the various values of C are shown below to understand the resulting behavior using an increment of 0.5. At C = 0, the curve resembles a straight horizontal line between x = -1 and x = 1. However, as C is increased to 0.5, the curve provides an elliptical shape that is skewed on the y-axis. At C = 1, the curve becomes a perfect circle. As C is increased to both 1.5 and 2, the curve gains greater elliptical nature on the y axis such that the ellipse’s major axis lies on the y-axis. Therefore, it could be surmised that variation in the amplitude constant for the y parametric curve (C) tends to produce elongation on the y-axis. The frequency constant for the x parametric curve (B) was varied using default values in Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, which ranged between 0 and 2. Moreover, all other constants i.e. A, C and D were held constant at 1. Plots of the various values of B are shown below to understand the resulting behavior using an increment of 0.5. At B = 0, the curve resembles a straight vertical line between y = -1 and y = 1 that crosses the x-axis at x = 1.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Borders Group Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Borders Group Inc - Essay Example The Borders Company facilitates online shopping through their website, This facility assists customers to get easy access to company’s products and services from any part of the globe any time. It mainly offers e-books through online shopping and it additionally offers a desktop e-Reader for computers, which would also suit many other applications. Similarly, Borders’ promotional tactics involve offers sent to customers as e-mails and text messages. The company gives great emphasis on collaborated operations because the firm believes that this practice would ensure organizational sustainability and further business expansion. For instance, the ‘Borders’ formed an agreement with Starbucks subsidiary Seattle’s Best Coffee so as to enhance its expansion activities. Another notable feature of the company is that Borders’ international expansion is based on franchising strategy. Likewise, diversification is also one of the main grand s trategies of ‘Borders’. Recently, in 2008, the company opened 14 stores nationwide that offer variety of electronic devices such as MP3 players and Sony Reader. 3. Long-term objectives It is evident that international expansion is set as Borders’ long term objective. The company has opened a large number of stores in different parts of the world namely in UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Oman, and Sharjah. The words of Borders group chief executive officer George Jones (cited in The Free Library) indicate that the company emphasizes on the superstore business because the management believes that superstore is the foundation of their strong brand. After a failure in global market, the firm... ‘Borders’ seems not to have employed this strategy so far. To illustrate, its online prices are always different from that of in-store prices and they are subject to changes without giving any prior notice (Borders). The company tends to charge an additional premium for this facility. Focus strategy involves concentration on narrow market segments in order to focus the interests of that segment (Marketing Plan). Grand strategy involves framing comprehensive plans to meet the major objectives of a firm by employing all available weapons such as ‘market, product, organizational development through acquisition, divestiture, diversification, joint ventures, and strategic alliances† (Grand strategy). The Borders Company facilitates online shopping through their website, This facility assists customers to get easy access to company’s products and services from any part of the globe any time. Long-term objectives It is evident that international expansion is set as Borders’ long term objective. The company has opened a large number of stores in different parts of the world namely in UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Oman, and Sharjah. The words of Borders group chief executive officer George Jones (cited in The Free Library) indicate that the company emphasizes on the superstore business because the management believes that superstore is the foundation of their strong brand. In addition, the firm frames wide ranges of marketing and promotional tactics in order to maintain brand loyalty.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Reasearch Paper on the Book A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway Research

Reasearch on the Book A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway - Research Paper Example The work was published after Hemingway’s death and as a consequence is often considered unfinished. It was edited extensively before it was published with editors wanting the work to appear in a form which Hemingway would be proud of, rather than incomplete. It is likely that Hemingway would have written and edited the novel further had he lived. Written in simple sentences and with non-complex structure which is typical of Hemingway’s work, the book focuses on the content itself, telling a story of Hemingway as a young, often struggling, artist. Before examining the themes of the book it is important to understand how the two versions differ, as there is significant difference between the two published editions of the book. These differences can potentially blur the themes of the novel, despite the attempts of editors for both versions to stay true to Hemingway. The Restored Edition, which is the version which is being considered in this study, is an edited edition of the book which was released 45 years after the publication of the original work. The changes were made by Hemingway’s grandson, and consists of reordering of some of the stories, the restoration of some portions of the book that were cut from the original and the removal of some edits . In the forward by Sean Hemingway, he considers that the difference between the two editions is much like the differences between different versions of the Bible. There is no way of knowing what the original intent was of the author, thus both versions are different interpretations rather than one version being correct and the other not. The overarching theme of the novel which ties together the stories and the characters is that of hunger. This hunger is not just hunger in the physical sense, but also in the artistic and the emotional sense. The title of the book draws reference to this theme, suggesting that Paris itself acts in some measure to sate this hunger. Likewise, Paris can be conside red a moveable feast in the manner that the memories that are made in Paris stay with the person and influence them for the rest of their life. Paris is by many counts, a city of fantastic opportunities, of art, culture and food. Because of this, it can become a feast which one can deeply indulge in. Early in the book, the author extensively describes his physical hunger. He had given up journalism in order to focus on his art and as a consequence he had no money and little food. He spoke of the way that walking along the sidewalk one could smell the food that people were eating. He considered that being hungry was good for discipline and that it helped him to understand art. He had a clearer, sharper view when he was hungry and found that he saw beauty much clearer. At this point he is married, and hides from his wife the fact that he does not plan on eating for the day, instead telling her that he is eating out with friends. This physical hunger is not consistent across all the st ories, instead, the focus shifts to artistic and emotional senses of hunger. Throughout the stories, Hemingway wanders the city as an artist looking for inspiration and stimulation. He moves from one such event to another as if they were meals through which he is seeking to fill himself. He appears to feast on the gossip, the scandal and intrigue that surround him, using it as fuel for his writing, and for his passion.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Human services legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human services legislation - Essay Example overty level was increasing at a rapid rate, which made the Johnson administration to come up with a program that would be run by the government to try and reduce the poverty level. The legislation worked out well because the poverty level was greatly reduced over time to a lower level. Expounding on the war on poverty will paint a clear picture on the impact and benefits of the legislation. The war on poverty is a legislation that was pioneered by United States president Johnson Lyndon in a state address. Johnson proposed the legislation in response to the rising poverty rates. The proposal allowed the United States congress to pass the economic opportunity act which then instituted the office of economic opportunity to oversee the local application of funds aimed against poverty. Johnson believed in increasing the government’s roles in reducing poverty and bettering education and health care as strategies of reducing the poverty rates. Johnson had an aim of not to cure the symptoms of poverty, but to cure it and above all, to prevent it. During Johnson’s administration hearing before the select committee on poverty of the committee on labor and public welfare, President Johnson decided that the United States was not going to put up with the increasing poverty rates anymore (Zarefsky, 1986). The notion was that prosperity alone was not going to get rid of the increasing poverty rates. Johnson emphasized that the war on poverty would create job opportunities, and also lead to planning and organization of resources, to break the cycle of poverty in communities. The main social problems were poor education and health care, lack of job opportunities, poor transportation and urban problems. According to Phelps, this is why President Johnson found it more convenient to curb those social problems in order to fight poverty in a more orderly manner (2014). This is especially because poverty is related to issues such as lack of education, jobs, proper healthcare

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Human vs. Other Organisms Essay Example for Free

Human vs. Other Organisms Essay Horse3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Donkey3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Common zebra3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Pig, cow, sheep3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Dog3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Gray whale3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Rabbit3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Kangaroo3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Chicken, turkey3: Isoleucine, Valine, Glutamine Penguin4: Isoleucine, Valine, Glutamine, 0 Pekin duck2: Valine, Glutamine Snapping turtle3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Rattlesnake4: Serine, Glycine, Threonine Bullfrog4: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine, Cysteine Tuna4: Alanine, Valine, Glutamine, Asparagine Screwfly fly5: Valine, Glutamine, Arginine, Alanine Silkworm moth8: Asparagine, Alanine, Asparagine, Valine, Glutamine, Arginine, Alanine, Alanine Tomato horn worm9: Asparagine, Alanine, Aspartic acid, Asparagine, Valine, Glutamine, Arginine, Alanine, Alanine Wheat10: Asparagine, Proline, Aspartic acid, Alanine, Alanine, Lysine, Threonine, Alanine, Aspartic acid, Alanine Rice9: Asparagine, Proline, Lysine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Lysine, Threonine, Alanine, Aspartic acid Baker’s Yeast11: Serine, Alanine, Lysine, Alanine, Threonine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Glutamic acid, Leucine Candida Yeast13: Serine, Alanine, Lysine, Alanine, Threonine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Isoleucine, Alanine Neurospora14: Serine, Lysine, Alanine, Asparagine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Glycine Reflection Questions: Summarize your amino acid comparison in paragraph form. To guide your summary, reflect on the following questions. 1.What does it mean when scientists say that living organisms share a universal genetic code? It means that all extinct organisms have all the same genetic code. 2.How does a universal genetic code relate to the hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth? The near-universal genetic code is that all extant things share some type of common ancestor. 3.How are self-replicating molecules, such as RNA molecules in the â€Å"RNA World† hypothesis, essential to the most popular hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth? They reproduce, and could have been formed through abiotic chemistry on the early Earth. 4.How might similarities and differences in genetic codes, or the proteins built as a result of these codes, be used to determine how closely related different species are? The more alike the letters are in a species, the more recent the ancestor was. If the ancestor was recent then the more alike the two different species will be. 5.Based on the amino acid sequence data for the Cytochome-C protein, chimpanzees and humans share an identical coding sequence. What other species identified on the chart has a coding sequence that is most closely related to the humans and chimpanzees and most distantly related? Explain your answer

Saturday, September 21, 2019

German Essays Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance

German Essays Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance in Gotthold Ephraim Lessings Die Juden and Nathan der Weise. Because of the impact of the intellectual revolution, the eighteenth century is frequently referred to as the Age of Reason. More specifically, the term Enlightenment is used because a major feature of this era was the minds emphasis on using rationality as a framework within which to view major philosophical issues. According to Benson and DiYanni, the Enlightenment continued an emphasis on secular concerns that began during the Renaissance and continued with the rise of scientific and philosophical thought during the seventeenth century (2005: 397). During this epoch, superstition came to be replaced with logical thought and analysis. These influences can be seen in the works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Lessing is considered by many to be a major representative of the Enlightenment Era. He was well known as a dramatist, critic, and philosopher during this time frame in Germany, and his works remain popular and influential even in contemporary times. In terms of religious tolerance, Lessings philosophies are perhaps best represented by two of his dramatic pieces, Nathan der Weise, or Nathan the Wise, and Die Juden, or The Jews. According to one scholar, these two plays by Lessing are instructive examples that demonstrate, when read in light of the historical specificity of their context, the force of critical thinking that drove Lessing (Goetschel 2003: 63). Lessings impact is still felt today. According to Garland, The Jews had shown [Lessings] deep antipathy to the unreasonable hatred directed against that people (1962: 191). In the eighteenth century, the ideas introduced by the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects on Western society. In fact, many of those ideas remain influential to this day. Formerly, much of Europe had been plagued by archaic prejudices towards those whose religious faith was considered to be a minority. This theme is nowhere more evident than in Lessings plays, Nathan the Wise and The Jews According to Goetschel, both of these works are evidence of Lessings critical concern to rethink both the claims of Christianity and the groundwork of modern national identity (2003: 63). Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was born in the quiet country town of Kamenz. His father, Johann Gottfried Lessing, was an educated man, but he was not wealthy. He worked as an assistant pastor in Kamenz It was from him that the younger Lessing got his love of books, something that would last throughout his life. Lessing attended the University of Leipzig. Leipzig was a new world for the young man. It was far different from Kamenz. In fact, it was sometimes known as Little Paris because of the level of sophistication that existed there (Garland 1962: 7). Lessings early literary works included Damon and The Young Scholar Neither of these works gave any indication that Lessing would eventually come to be known as the father of German literature, although The Young Scholar enjoyed a brief spate of popularity on the stage. During his youth, Lessing exhibited a tendency to rebel against the status quo. This became particularly clear during his college days. Correspondence between him and his parents shows evidence of a young man of great curiosity, and one for whom a tried and true path would not suffice. His parents wished the best for him, naturally: a steady career that would bring him stability and a modest amount of comfort. It was also hoped that Lessing, as the eldest, would establish himself in order to contribute to the education of his younger siblings. However, this was not the path that Lessing chose to follow. His adventurous spirit, combined with his youth, and the atmosphere of Leipzig, all combined to determine a path that would veer from his parents wishes. These experiences led him to become a thinker and writer who was ahead of his time, as well as one of the finest minds of the German Enlightenment. Lessings Plays: Nathan the Wise and The Jews. In many ways, Nathan the Wise can be considered a play that was ahead of its time. According to Wilms, this play is canonized not just in German literature, but also in the liberal Enlightenment reception of that literature and its tradition (2002: 306). The central theme is the concept of brotherhood among mankind. Through the vehicle of drama, Lessing puts forth the message that people should be able to exist in harmony despite their religious denomination or group affiliation. For example, it should not matter whether one is a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim; people should respect each other and coexist peacefully no matter what religious affiliations they have. Lessings primary message in Nathan the Wise is that the main consideration should be the value of individuals as human beings, and that group membership is secondary to this. This is the concept that the character of Nathan proposes. The role of money in this play merits some attention. Lessing uses money as a prop and as a theme. It is an integral part of the discourse of the play. According to Graham, from the first moiment of the pla we are never allowed to forget Nathans association with money and the desirable goods that money can buy (1973: 179). Money, and the power of money, are apparently very important to Lessing here. It is also significant to note that Nathan is rarely the recipient of money. He is rather, the giver. The suggestion that Nathan is wise may play a role here. This may be yet another way in which Lessing underscores the value of giving rather than receiving. As Graham notes, the religious impulse of surrendering the grateful self to the giver of life reverberates in every one of these situations, in varying degreees of consciousness, and in every instance soemthing of the same release of love is experienced and communicated (1973: 185). It can be said that the true villain of Lessings play is the insidious hatred that is passed down from one generation to the next. This hatred is a complex mixture of mistrust and ignorance and is so deeply ingrained in people that often it remains unquestioned, simply a part of life. Nathan the Wise is often considered a vehicle in which Lessings theological beliefs are given voice. Lessing believed in freedom of thought and was a serious student of theology. In some ways, it appears that Nathan the Wise is a mixture of various theological ideologies, many of which also appear in Lessings Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts, or Education of the Human Race, which was published in 1780. According to Wilms, in Nathan the Wise, rationality successfully overcomes a series of obstacles and works its way into a traditional Lebenswelt dominated by prejudice that does not shy away from murder and even genocide (2002: 306). The triumph of rationality here is a central theme of Lessings work. He takes on the traditional themes of religious dogma in this play and shows how individuals can take a rational approach to them The title of the play refers to the main character, Nathan. The play takes place in Jerusalem, where Nathan lives as a prosperous Jew. The time frame is in the twelfth century. In the play, it is significant that Nathan adopts an orphan. The orphan happens to be Christian, but this does not matter to Nathan, who simply takes her into his home because she was the daughter of a friend. Immediately we see that Nathan is the kind of character to rise above petty details, and to act in the interests of humanity above all else.   Considering the time and setting, this is certainly no ordinary act. Tension builds, however, when a suitor comes into the picture. Nathan is aware of the inherent danger in this situation. Should the identity of his adoptive daughter be made known, the results would most undoubtedly be tragic for all involved. This use of hidden identity was common in the literary works of Lessings time, and it is used quite effectively in this play. Ultimately, Lessings message in Nathan the Wise is that humanity is far more important than religious affiliation. Lessing asserts that the worth of people should not based on what religion individuals are born into, or on blood relations, but rather on the very fact that they are human. According to Garland, anti-Semitism had lessened somewhat, but was still considered widespread during the period of time in which Lessing was writing. The theme of the play is that people cannot be judged by their religious affiliations. The plot of the play is simple, ostensibly to allow the theme to stand out. The character of the Baron is clearly full of strong anti-Semitic prejudices. Therefore, when he is attacked by robbers, he immediately concludes that the perpetrators were of the Jewish persuasion, in keeping with his beliefs. It is of course ironic that the attackers are found to be Christian. Furthermore, they are employees of the Baron himself. As for the noble Stranger who rescues the Baron, he is revealed to be Jewish himself. This puts the Baron in a rather awkward situation, as he has promised the hand of his daughter to The Stranger in return for his gallantry. Of course, once the Stranger has identified himself as a Jew, the wedding is now unthinkable. According to Garland, Lessings interest is clearly centered on the serious aspects of the play The moral is pointed not only by the action, but is also underlined by frequent passages of dialogue (1962: 111). Here, as in Nathan the Wise, Lessing effectively uses the tactic of the hidden identity to elucidate his point. Once again, the message is that humanity is far more important than religious affiliation. In The Jews, Lessing asserts again that the worth of people should not be based on what religion individuals are born into This is quite apparent when it turns out that the Barons attackers are in fact the very servants on whom he relies. The person who saves him, The Stranger, turns out to be a Jew himself, which adds to the irony. Lessings attitude to orthodoxy is rather complex. Much of his beliefs in his early life were strongly influenced by his friend, the freethinker Mylius. Mylius befriended him in Leipzig. Several years older, Mylius had a great deal of influence on his young protà ©gà © In a letter to his father, written when he was twenty years old, we can see the evolution of the young Lessings thoughts about religion: Time will prove whether he is the better Christian, who has the principles of Christian doctrine in his memory, and on his lips, often without understanding them, who goes to church and observes all the practices (of religion) just because they are customary; or he who has once prudently doubted and has reached conviction by the path of investigation, or at an rate strives to reach it. The Christian religion is not a thing which one should accept on trust from ones parents (quoted in Garland 1962: 151). Seeds of unrest and a pull towards independent thinking are apparent even at this early stage in Lessings development. We can already see this tendency to be skeptical of church-goers whose actions are at odds with their stated beliefs. As stated earlier, anti-Semitism was somewhat less pronounced during this period, although it still clearly existed. The idea that people should not be judged by their religious affiliations seems to have already taken hold in Lessings young mind. According to Garland, Lessing was struck by the obvious divergence between the doctrine of Christ and the mode of life of many of those who passed as Christians (1962: 152). He was very much aware of the hypocrisy inherent in many who claimed to be Christians. Even as a young man, he was easily incensed by intolerance towards religious practices. He seemed to have little respect for orthodox theologies that had little room for the beliefs of others. In the eighteenth century, as discussed earlier, the ideas introduced by the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects on Western society. In fact, many of those ideas remain influential to this day. Formerly, much of Europe had been plagued by archaic prejudices towards those whose religious faith was considered to be a minority. Conclusion The period of the Enlightenment in Europe signaled a change in thinking. As representative pieces, these two plays by Lessing are examples of these new attitudes towards religion. Because of the impact of the intellectual revolution, the eighteenth century is frequently referred to as the Age of Reason. More specifically, the term Enlightenment is used because a major feature of this era was the minds emphasis on using rationality as a framework within which to view major philosophical issues. During this epoch, superstition came to be replaced with logical thought and analysis. These influences can be seen in the works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. A recurring theme in the works of Lessing is the concept of brotherhood among mankind. Through the vehicle of drama, Lessing puts forth the idea that people should be able to exist in harmony despite their religious denomination or group affiliation. Whether one is Christian, Muslim, or Jew, is irrelevant Ones connection to a particular religious group should not affect the basic respect that people should feel for one another. People of different faiths and beliefs should respect each other and coexist peacefully no matter what religious affiliations they have. Lessings primary message in Nathan the Wise is that the main consideration should be the value of individuals as human beings, and that group membership is secondary to this. This is the concept that the character of Nathan proposes. This message is also present in The Jews Here, as in Nathan the Wise, Lessing once again makes it clear that humanity is far more important than religious affiliation. In The Jews, Lessing asserts again that the value of a person should be independent of what religion that person is born into. This is quite apparent when it turns out that the Barons attackers are in fact the very servants on whom he relies. The person who saves him, The Stranger, turns out to be a Jew himself, which adds to the irony. Lessing, as we have seen, is considered by many to be a major representative of the Enlightenment Era. He was well known as a dramatist, critic, and philosopher during this time frame in Germany. The fact that his works remain popular and influential even in contemporary times is a testament to his ongoing influence. In terms of religious tolerance, Lessings philosophies are perhaps best represented by these two dramatic pieces Each of these works is an example of the critical and independent thinking that drove Lessing from his early days at university in Leipzig and throughout his life. Lessings impact is still felt today. As discussed above, the ideas brought to the fore in the eighteenth century had a tremendous impact on Western society. The concepts introduced during the stage known as the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects. In fact, many of these ideas remain influential to this day. Many of the prejudices that had been formulated regarding religious affiliations were analyzed and found to be wanting. This theme is nowhere more evident than in Lessings plays, Nathan the Wise and The Jews. Lessings messages in both of these plays call into question both the claims of Christianity and the significance of the underlying national identity. Many people consider Lessing to be a major representative of the Period of Enlightenment in Germany. His influence is felt in many spheres: he was well known as a dramatist, critic, and philosopher during this epoch, and his works remain popular and influential even in contemporary times. In terms of religious tolerance, Lessings philosophies are perhaps best represented by two of his dramatic pieces, Nathan der Weise, or Nathan the Wise, and Die Juden, or The Jews In each of these plays, Lessing makes clear his belief that people should not be judged by their religious affiliations. In Nathan the Wise, we find a complex mix of ideologies. These same ideologies are present in The Jews, although to a lesser extent. It can be said that the true villain in each of these plays is the insidious hatred that is passed down from one generation to the next. Lessing portrays this hatred as a complex mixture of mistrust and ignorance that is so deeply ingrained in people that often it remains unquestioned. Both Nathan the Wise and The Jews can be considered vehicles in which Lessings theological beliefs are given voice. In the eighteenth century, the ideas introduced by the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects on Western society, and those effects are elucidated in these dramatic works. Much of Europe had been riddled with archaic prejudices towards those whose religious faith was considered to be a minority. Lessing focuses on these prejudices in an effective dramatic format. In terms of religious tolerance, Lessings philosophies are strongly represented by these two dra matic pieces. In the eighteenth century, the ideas introduced by the Enlightenment had far-reaching effects on Western society. In fact, many of those ideas remain influential to this day. For readers today, these works continue to have an impact. Both of these plays offer a close look at the evolving attitudes towards religion and society of that era.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Popular Culture Essays

Popular Culture Essays Popular culture is always defined, implicitly or explicitly, in contrast to other conceptual categories: folk culture, mass culture, dominant culture John Storey, 2006, p.1 Before we look into more depth about the term popular culture we must first determine what it actually means. Firstly to break the term down, Raymond Williams says culture is one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language (cited storey 2006). To understand what William means we will take a look at his definitions. William refers to culture in three ways, firstly he states culture could be seen as a general process of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development. The examples storey gives are great philosophers, great artists and great poets which noticeably the word great is used giving a sense of high culture. Secondly a particular way of life, whether a people, a period or a group (ibid). - Popular Culture Now we have determined what the terms popular and culture mean we can now look at the word as a whole. Storey states that Popular culture is the culture that is left over after we have decided what is high culture (Storey 2009, p. 6). Popular culture is therefore seen as inferior culture or low culture (ibid). When you think about popular culture in this way there comes a problem, who determines which category it falls into. Storey states to be real culture, it has to be difficult therefore creating a division to who can and who can not. Pierre Bourdieu argues that cultural distinctions of this kind are often used to support class distinctions. Taste is a deeply ideological category: it functions as a marker of class (Bourdieu 1984). Popular culture is often taken from culture, diluted and then distributed to the masses for personal gain. Sub cultures are created to help a group of people who feel left out from society, find there place. When looking at sub cultures, they are often associated with the youth of society. It could be argued that sub cultures are made possible because the youth within society have much more leisure time. (Lifestyle) The reason for this is said to be because of the generation gap. Some sub cultures create a moral panic because it challenges the norm and goes against how the people should think and what they should be doing. In doing so they create there ideology according to how they feel about society which is often opposed to the elite. If this is the case then it suggests a political dimension to what popular culture is so therefore it is not just about leisure or entertainment. Popular culture and the mass media go hand in hand because the media creates a distorted image of how the world is and the masses are said to passively consume it. Popular culture is also argued to divert people away from what is important which is said to be beneficiary for the elite, an example of this is capitalism. (Storey 2006) Ideology conceals the reality of domination from those in power: the dominant class dont see themselves as exploiter or oppressors. More importantly though it works in favour of the elite as Storey states Ideology conceals the reality of subordination from those who are powerless: the subordinate class dont see themselves as exploited or oppressed. One of the most significant ideological practices in recent years has been the categorical dividing of what is popular and what is classical. Storey states the division between high and popular cultureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦is absolutely clearà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and transhistorical-fixed for all time. Up until recent years the divions of the two were quite prominent but with groups like Escala (who were on Britains got talent) the divide becomes blurry. Groups like Escala play classical music in a different way to the norm but which is still classical and since they were on a popular show they made classical music popular. But that does not mean it will stay that way because if you look at some of the Cds they are bringing out for classical music now with such titles as Pure Classical which may seem innocent but could be argued that the elite are trying to police the boundaries. The real question what has been discussed is, value. As we have look in the first part of this essay, culture is not a fixed thing, it changes over time. A prime example of this would be opera. It started off for working class people but over time soon change and now is for the elite in society. If you were to look at the price it started off at it was only a few pennies but now the price of a ticket is quite high which therefore excludes people from taking part. Another example of this would be of you were to take a look at Pavarotti who had top selling albums and chart toppers, who then went to put on a performance in Hyde park for free and a woman attending give a comment to say I cant afford to go to the posh opera houses and folk out  £100 for a ticket. Yet again you could see some of the elite trying to police the boundaries by giving bad reviews saying the park is no place for opera. When you take that review and think about what they are really mean, they are saying it should stay in the opera house and keep its exclusiveness . Ideologies gain persuasive powers to either directly or indirectly influence the way people live, how they behave and how they relate to each other. Ideology can be understood by a set of values and ideas that a certain group shares.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Bigfoot Essay -- essays research papers

Bigfoot For over a 150 years man has been troubled by one great mystery, a mystery that has baffled all who have witnessed it and all who have tried to solve it. This mystery is commonly known as Bigfoot, a tall hairy man/ape who lurks in the woods in almost every country on this planet. Some say it is just an ape, some believe it is a man in costume, and others are true believers of this hairy phenomenon. For more than a decade and a half this creature of myth has caused enormous contradictions in the field of science, bringing about one question. Does Bigfoot exist? Throughout the 150 year history of Bigfoot many concerns have raised, the most in number have been from Native Americans. The Karok Indians tell of an â€Å"upslope person† who lurks far up in the mountains (Gaffron, 22-24). Some medicine men have told stories of â€Å"snow-walkers† that haunt the Forrest depths (Short). The creatures North American habitat covers over 125,000 square miles of forest, contained in the states of Oregon, Washington, and California, constituting a large number of Native American tribes to encounter and frighten (Gaffron, 22). This phenomenon is not just a Native American one told by medicine men, and tribe leaders, Bigfoot plays an enormous role in the ancient folklore of such civilizations as, the Russians, Greeks, and Anglo-Saxons (Brunvand). These civilizations have been around for hundreds of years, and have been telling stories of Bigfoot long before any one; they hold the true key to Bigfoot’s history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the environment changes so does the Bigfoot. The Yeti, known as the legendary man of the Himalayas, is the Bigfoot of Nepal, China, and Siberia. Numerous descriptions state the Yeti resembles a primitive humanlike being (Gaffron, 52). Four major types of Bigfoot have been recorded, each one having its own distinct differences. The Teh-Ima is 4 feet tall, being the smallest of the four and is located in lower mountain regions. The Meh-The, slightly resembling a gorilla, has a big pointed head and large square teeth, it is slightly larger than the Teh-Ima. The Duz-Teh being the third largest resembles a bear and is approximately six to eight feet tall. The largest of the group is the Bigfoot of North America weighing as much as 1,000 pounds, and over eight feet tall (Gaffron, 44-46). These Bigfeet have there own characteristics and traits, each one ad... ...the footage; if they were to attempt it, it would require a whole new system of artificial muscles and an actor who could walk like a Bigfoot (Gaffron, 72-76). In the thirty-five years since this footage was taken nothing has been able to prove the existence of Bigfoot more than it has.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For thousands of years myths of an upright man/ape have been told in dozens of cultures and for 150 years its sight has baffled science and caused irreversible controversies in its theories. Weather Bigfoot is just another branch of primates or an early form of humanity which failed to evolve; it is the duty of science to seek truth no matter how controversial the findings may be. Works Cited â€Å"Abominable Snowman.† Microsoft Encarta 2009 Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Jan Harold Brunvand: Microsoft, 2009. â€Å"California Sightings List.† Bigfoot Encounters. 19 January, 2006. Fahrenbach, W.H. â€Å"Bigfoot Biology.† Bigfoot Encounters. 19 May, 2008. Gaffron, Norma. Bigfoot: Opposing Viewpoints San Diego: Green Haven Press inc. 2007 The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. 25 October, 2009. Thomas, Roger F. â€Å"The Patterson – Gimlin Film.† BIGFOOT: Fact or fantasy? 25 June, 2008.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Adaption Center for Patients with Cerebral Palsy Essay example --

The adaptations center that I had visited, help enable people with cerebral palsy to function more independently in the community. The adaptation center front entrance is wide with automatic sliding doors, so a person in a wheel chair can easily enter independently. The bathroom the door is also wide with an automatically open so that a person in wheel chair can easily use. The hallways are spacious for multiple people and wheel chair used. Locker rooms and showers are low to the floor and line up back to the room so they will have enough space. Its better this way because if the lockers wasn't line up side by side it would be congested and not enough room for wheel chair used. The elevators are wide so that many wheel chair can fit in and save a lot of trips from one floor to another, Also the button in the elevators are big and they are place lower down so it will be easy for wheel chair user to reach . The gym help people with cerebral palsy since the muscles of those are greatly affected by their condition, exercise can help improve flex ability, muscl...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Freudian Theory and Consciousness: A Conceptual Analysis Essay

The portrayal of duality and the disturbing violence of the alters, in both works, can be approached with the psychoanalytic concept, and the structural theory of the mind promulgated by Freud. This is because both characters manifest the different sides of the structural theory of the mind. Based on Freud’s theory there are three subtypes of the self that go hand in hand to build our personality. â€Å"The  id  is the primitive, instinctive component of personality that operates according to the pleasure principle.† The superego is the self that operates according to moral principles. Ego, a required moderator, negotiates with the id and superego in order to satisfy the desires of both in a manner that is socially acceptable. If these three aspects of an individual from the whole self, the result is DID. This takes place in both storylines, as Tyler and Hyde embody the â€Å"aggressive tendencies† of the id. Both main characters, that superficially exist as single entities, bring the reader to question the notion that good cannot exist without evil. The Narrator in Fight club characterizes the ego in the psyche, which mediates the impulsive and sexual self of the id with the social norms of the world. He eventually fails to find a compromise between the two and chooses to identify with the superego. Consequently, unconscious impulses form a discrete entity that is Tyler Durden. The id is manifested in Tyler’s need for primal violence, and high sex drive. He claims that â€Å"self-improvement isn’t the answer, maybe self-destruction is the answer†. Eventually, The Narrator finds himself in the center of â€Å"organized chaos†, and has lost all power over his id. Similarly, Dr. Jekyll represents the ego, dominated by social norms. Jekyll says â€Å"It was on the moral side, †¦, that I learned to recognize the thorough and primitive duality of man†. He has a strenuous time juggling between the requirements of his aggressive instinct and his rational self. Consequently, he gives in to his impulses and decides to separate the two, and bring Mr. Hyde into being. He claims that â€Å"man is not truly one, but truly two.† Mr. Hyde, like Tyler Durden, has no social or moral principles, and seeks â€Å"instant gratification†. By the end, Jekyll, â€Å"represented by the proclaimed and implicit morals of the Victorian society†, loses control of Hyde. The pleasure the alters take in brutality and aggression, ultimately leads to their own destruction by suicide. Aside from the similarities in the personalities and behaviors of the characters, Stevenson and Palahniuk choose many comparable themes and symbolism to help them portray dual personalities in their work, such as the prominent theme of isolation, devolution, as well as the motif of sleep, and the nocturnal city. Fight Club and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are further linked by the continually prevalent themes of isolation and devolution. The theme of devolution and atavism is reinforced by several factors in both works. Just as humans have the tendency to evolve, they also have the ability to evolve and become more primitive, especially as society forces us to repress such animalistic tendencies. Tyler and Mr. Hyde both return to their primitive and more animalistic state of being as the restrictions placed by society pushes them to their breaking point. This is evident as both characters have a more violent and destructive nature than The Narrator and Dr. Jekyll. Isolatio n is also significant in developing the theme of devolution. The Narrator and Jekyll both live isolated lives, with Jekyll insisting that he wants to lead â€Å"a life of extreme seclusion†. Both characters live their lives devoid of friends or family to communicate with. Jekyll isolates himself from his old friends and spends his days in his lab, while Hyde sneaks in and out of the house. Similarly, The Narrator moves to an abandoned house with no one to communicate with. The theme of isolation helps the alters â€Å"manipulate and absorb the bodies of the main characters for whatever purposes they so desire.† This helps them satisfy their needs for violence and destruction.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Dramatic irony Essay

The Inspector makes Mrs Birling expand on what should be done to the boy and Mrs Birling not realising what has happened by linking together the parts carries on, the Inspector asks, ‘So he’s the chief culprit anyhow?’ and Mrs Birling replies, ‘Certainly. And he ought to be dealt with very severely-.’ It is now, if the audience hadn’t already worked it out from when Mrs Birling about the father being a drunk, her realising from others Eric’s a drunk, and the Inspector wanting Eric to stay so he could see him later, that we realise from Sheila’s dramatic ‘Mother-stop-stop!’ Eric’s the father. It is such a dramatic moment, there is suspense and tension; it shocks the audience and yet Mr and Mrs Birling still don’t see Eric as the father and tell Sheila to be quiet. Mrs Birling doesn’t stop, she’s already spoken about how the father should be made an example of and she on basically saying what should be done to her son, ‘make sure he’s compelled to confess in public his responsibility.’ The Inspector too confirms what she has said asks again if she is sure that that should happen, she agrees, it is then she realises, the penny drops, it’s Eric. She’s shocked. Mrs Birling has, in other words, told the Inspector that her son is responsible, should be made an of and confess in public without even knowing it. She has convicted her own son. This is dramatic irony as we, the audience have realised it was Eric and she’s carried on sentencing him. She has matters worse, which she will eventually regret. This is such a dramatic part of the play, she has condemned her own son to the blame and also without realising killed her own grandchild ‘I don’t believe it. I won’t believe it†¦.’- She will believe it. The next dramatic moment is shorter in length but still or even more, dramatic. This is the moment at the end when the Inspector has left and everyone is left questioning what has happened.  After the Inspector has left the family start blaming one another for the girl’s death. It is after this that Sheila, first of all and then the others question the Inspector’s existence ‘It’s queer-very queer-‘. When Sheila says this Mrs Birling seems to understand what Sheila’s thinking ‘I know what your going to say. Because I’ve been wondering myself,’ to which Sheila replies, ‘It doesn’t matter now, of course-but was he really a police inspector?’ Sheila and Eric don’t think it matters but Mr and Mrs Birling clearly think it does, ‘Well, if he wasn’t, it matters a devil of a lot.’ It’s clear that the younger generation, Sheila and Eric, have very different views form that of their parents. Sheila and Eric do not feel that it matters if the Inspector wasn’t a police inspector, it’s what they have all done that is the important part, they’ve killed a woman, ‘He was our Inspector alright.’-Eric. Gerald then returns and tells them that he has found out that the Inspector was not a real police inspector. Although they had their doubts this puzzles everyone. Gerald then has idea that all that had happened wasn’t to the same girl. To confirm his thoughts he rings up the infirmary and asks if there is anyone who has committed suicide by drinking disinfectant. There is no girl. Everyone apart from Sheila and Eric are relieved and act if nothing has happened, Sheila and Eric question the way they behaved but Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald don’t care. Just when they are trying to forget, the phone rings. The drama starts when Gerald rings the Infirmary. There is a tense wait for us to know whether there is a girl, to which all this happened to, or if the things Mr and Mrs Birling, Sheila, Gerald and Eric did was all to one girl. The characters’ actions add to the tension we sustain, for example Birling wiping his brow, Sheila shivering and Eric clasping and un-clasping his hands, showing their nerves. ‘No girl has died in there today. Nobody’s been brought in after drinking disinfectant. They haven’t had a suicide for months.’ We are lulled into believing it is over; that the suspense has ended and there is nothing more to happen. Mr and Mrs Birding and Gerald are relieved but it is only Sheila and Eric that keep in consideration what they have done and actually seriously think about what has happened, Sheila ‘But you’re forgetting one thing I still can’t forget. Everything we said had happened really had happened. If it didn’t end tragically, then that’s lucky for us. But it might have done.’ This just shows the difference of the natures of the characters. Sheila shows herself as being concerned and truly sorry for what she has done, as well as Eric. However, Gerald, Mr Birling and Mrs Birling show the totally opposite view on what has happened, they come across as selfish, cruel and arrogant people from the way they behave. An example of this is when Mr Birling says, ‘The whole story was a lot of moonshine. Nothing but an elaborate sell!’ Sheila says how disgusted she is with their behaviour, Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald carrying on not caring. Gerald tries to get Sheila back into thinking of the wedding ‘Everything all right now Sheila. What about the ring.’ This is a prime example of Gerald’s attitude towards what has happened. Sheila-‘No, not yet. It’s too soon. I must think.’ Mr Birling then says something very ironic. After all that he and his wife, the older generation, have done and the way they have acted towards this situation (terribly), he turns round and comments on the younger generation, who are clearly more sensible, caring and altogether better, and says ‘Now look at the pair of them-the famous younger generation who know it all. And can’t even take a joke’. This is in response to Sheila saying no to Gerald, it is very ironic. It is now that it happens, the most dramatic part of the play. The Phone rings. It rings sharply, immediately we think the worst, is it? Has a girl been found in the same situation as Eva Smith? The actions of the characters, their moment of complete silence is very tense. Mr B. answers the phone; he talks slowly dragging the moment on. His actions are slow intensifying; he slowly puts down the phone. He looks in a panic stricken fashion at the others. The audience knows what is about to come but are still waiting for it to be confirmed. Mr Birling confirms our thoughts; a police inspector is on his way as a girl has just died after swallowing some disinfectant. This ending is very, very powerful. It changes the nature of the play as it becomes a mystery-who was the inspector? It becomes cyclical and therefore spiritual-how many more times will it happen? Will it start again when the inspector arrives?  Ã¢â‚¬ËœAn Inspector Calls’ with its dramatic moments is a very powerful play. It has skilful climaxes and wonderful twists to the plot. It is a very enjoyable play that always keeps you on edge.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Tourism Botswana

Currently, Botswana has developed It's tourism Industry Into one that caters for the luxury traveler; offering high-end safaris and lavish accommodations. However, Botswana two mall economies are coming to a fork In the road and the ability to maintain the growth that their economy is experiencing will be directly determined by which path the country ultimately chooses. The Dilemma Diamonds, in truth, are not forever and analysts predict that Botswana diamond reserve will be significantly diminished in twenty years.With the huge profits that diamonds bring, Botswana focused its attention on the diamond industry and as result the economies lack of diversification is apparent. Botswana now needs o tackle this issue while there is still time to savor the benefits of the diamond industry and begin making the necessary preparations for Its eventual replacement. Tourism, It seems, Is the natural step for the country to take, but it does come with Its own challenges.Countries all over the w orld face a salary task; the struggle to find a balance between fostering a growing economy while both protecting and stalling the environment. If Botswana chooses to expand its tourism industry, there will be included, that will be the main attraction. In short, it is progression of the economy rears the preservation of the environment. Impacted Parties Ultimately, it is the wildlife and the landscape that will pay the highest price if an influx is tourism is too steep.As humans move further and further into untouched land, our mark is obvious; pollution, construction, and loss of habitat will occur. Conservation efforts will be important â€Å"Because tourism has a tendency to destroy or at least endanger its own assets, the protection and conservation of its natural environment is imperative† (BID). Conservation groups in Botswana will be eager to hear what measures will be taken to protect the environment.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Do I See Myself 10 Years from Now Essay

The way I see myself ten years ahead of now is not something I often think about. To tell you the truth, it scares me a little to know that in one short decade I will be twenty eight years old, and that my years of youth are coming to an end. One thing I’m certain of, is that if God gives me the opportunity to get to that age, I will make the most of my years and put all of my effort to become a successful, happy woman. A vision I’ve always had of myself years ahead of now is a wealthy business woman that owns an art academy, and is a world-wide well known artist. I will have graduated from a bachelor in fine arts from college, as well as a master in painting and business administration. My institution will give art education to people of all ages, guiding them to a successful career in the arts, as the one I will be having. My academy will give scholarships to gifted young people who have outstanding artistic abilities, passion for the art, and determination. I will get financial support from many companies interested in my work, and maybe even get the chance to expand my business internationally. see more:where do i see myself in 5 years essay People around the whole world will be very interested in my works of art, which will include paintings and photographs. Many awards will have been given to me not only for my art, but also because of my work for the community, and my occupational achievements. I see myself becoming very famous internationally and an esteemed artist in the eyes of many persons. In some years, I will be taking care of my dad’s horses, and with them, not only develop a recognized and well-bred herd of Lousitano equines, but also have horseback riding as a hobby I will often be able to do. Although I will have a busy life, I will also have plenty of time to paint and ride horses, as well as a relationship with a good, funny, handsome, well-mannered man who will make me very happy; I might even adopt a couple of children and raise them to be good, successful and loving people. Much of the money I earn will help young people with economical limitations to receive a good education, so they can make Guatemala a better place, as I will be by creating work opportunities and helping the people in need. I’m sure that with perseverance and the help of the people I love, as well as God’s, I will have the chance to travel around the world and meet many beautiful places. By the time I turn 28, I will have visited dozens of countries around the world, and known places of incredible beauty. Another one of my wishes is to be able to build a very beautiful house with a painting studio, a big garden, a couple of dogs, a few nice cars, and maybe even a swimming pool and a hot tub. Other dreams I have include a house in lake Atitlan, as well as an apartment in Miami, a room share in Steamboat Colorado, and a beautiful house in Puerto San Josà ©, Guatemala. I’m not very certain I will be living in my native country ten years ahead of now, but I am certain that I will visit it often to see my family and friends as frequently as my job allows me to. Ten years from now, I see myself as a strong, independent, healthy, and most important of all, happy woman, and I am aware that the only person that can get me there is myself by putting all the passion, effort and determination I have in everything I do. In the movie Shrek II, I once heard a very life-changing quote that the character Arthur said after defeating his enemy. â€Å"The only person that can keep you from becoming who you want to be is yourself.† The biggest obstacle I have to fight against is, as the quote mentions, me, and I know that I will be strong enough to defeat my fears and weaknesses. As many achievements I accomplish, houses I buy, trips I make, and people I meet, I truly believe that life is measured by the moments that take your breath away, therefore, my purpose in the journey god gave me the chance to live through, will not only be materialistic. The reason for my existence will be happiness, and I believe that with an open heart and a strong mind, nothing will be keeping it from becoming part of me.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Data management in cloud environments Thesis Proposal

Data management in cloud environments - Thesis Proposal Example There has been research conducted in this particular field which forms the framework for future research study. However the major reason behind selecting such research topic is that it would help to gain sufficient knowledge regarding multiple ways to store data in cloud environment. This study would even outline the challenges which are witnessed by the data stores and the appropriate ways through which most of such challenges are eliminated from the system. It can be stated that this research study deals with the intricacies which are associated with such data management system. The study would even be supported by some practical examples in order that audience gain insights in terms of internal functioning of cloud computing. In the past few years the increasing trend of computational power has also overwhelmed the data flow. It can be stated that recent advances that are associated with web technology has enabled users to store content of various sizes which is considered to be data management in cloud environment. There has been a paradigm shift in mechanism of large scale data processing and computing infrastructure. Cloud computing sets forth the provision for such computing infrastructure. This research study would aim at clearly distinguishing the various data management techniques in cloud environment. The main aim of the study can be further subdivided into identifying different data storage engines both SQL as well as noSQL. This study would not only focus on determining different data engines but would even encompass their respective pros and cons, performance issues and scalability between such data management engines. The research problem statement would be – â€Å"Identification of d ifferent data storage engines in cloud environment and outlining performance and scalability between these data management types.† This problem statement or research question would be addressed throughout the analysis. The major objective of the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Love Blood and oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Love Blood and oil - Essay Example This meeting took place between the Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saudi and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This agreement progressed at various foreign policy doctrines with the subsequent United States presidents to George W. Bush. The 2008 Klare’s documentary film; Blood and Oil featured much of what was presented in the Klare’s book; that is, the conflict of oil. The oil reserves in the Middle East have long been regarded â€Å"a stupendous source of strategic power† by America. This claim is evidenced by a memo to the state department that is dated August 1945. According to Michael Klare, a progressive energy analyst, in his documentary, Blood and Oil, the Middle East oil resources contributes to the United States’ weakness (Morris&Young 6). Based on the same documentary, Blood and Oil, Klare examines the relationship between United States foreign policy and Oil. Plying the part of a film commentator, Klare hints on the importance of accessing and controlling oil within the presidential doctrines right from FDR through the administration of George W. Bush. On this point, Klare argues that controlling of the world’s energy resources is foundational to the United States of America foreign policy as from the World War II. Notably, the notion of Blood and Oil administrations demonstrates how the United States’ energy policy and foreign policy to be very essential intertwined (Morris&Young 9). Since the year 1860, the United States of American is known to be the leading petroleum consumer. Despite its worldwide low population of approximately five percent of the entire world population, the United States’ oil based economy consumes approximately twenty five percent of oil that is produced globally; this can be approximated to twenty million barrels per day. In the 1960s, the United States became intensively self sufficient and was producing over eighty percent of its own oil. Nonetheless, the

Corporate Governance and Company Performance Coursework

Corporate Governance and Company Performance - Coursework Example Whether corporate governance is good for a company is a question that needs critical considerations. This question is often answered by the situations in the marketplace in terms of the results of the companies that strictly follow corporate governance. Sometimes corporate governance can be injurious to the organization. Sometimes the company may miss opportunities because of some aspects of corporate governance leading to costly liabilities. For this reason, as good as corporate governance is, sometimes it is good to leave the directors at liberty to decide on some issues away from the stringent corporate governance requirements. When such decisions are made, the directors should be given an opportunity for explaining the rationality of their decisions and justify the outcomes of such decisions. Due care is for this reason of the essence taking into consideration the probable impact of certain decisions not consistent with corporate governance on the shareholders. Such decisions cou ld lead to resentment from the shareholders making them flee in case of undesirable outcomes of decisions inconsistent with corporate governance. However, when such decisions lead to satisfaction within the company stockholders, they would be for the betterment of the organization and value for stockholder's investments.Highlights of Corporate Governance Benefits against Company PerformanceCrook says that significant implications for the growth and development of an organization are attributable to corporate governance.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Seven Top Competencies of a Project Manager Essay

Seven Top Competencies of a Project Manager - Essay Example Role of the Project Manager The project manager has a significant role of ensuring execution of the project in different areas including planning, operation, monitoring, and control, as well as ending the project per se. Project managers coordinate activities of project team members to achieve the proposed objectives and the vision of the project. In their day-to-day functions, the projects managers have to focus on short and long-term activities. Conventionally, project managers focused on larger, more comprehensive projects. However, contemporary organizations give project managers the mandate to work with even smaller, less technical projects. The Project Management concept has received a lot of attention in the past few decades and has become a highly desired area in most of institutions and organizations. According to Muller and Turner (2010), one goal of a good project manager is to know how he/she is going to manage his/her project, know what to do if the implementation plan f ails, to accomplish the project objectives and ensure integration of the inputs of all of the project stakeholders. Further, the role of project managers is diverse. Turner and Muller (2005) highlight that they determine how the project should set off. By good Integrated Management they help in determining, developing and managing the direction of the project, as well as the scope of the project. A good and well defined project must include best scope management practices that include planning, defining and managing the scope of the project. Another issue is on-time and cost management. Managers should develop budget and a good time plan such as developing a schedule, allocating resources and managing funds for the project for effective results. A good process gives good output due to quality management. There must be a task force to take care of the quality of the process in question such that it meets or even exceeds various quality parameters set but the laid down standards (Camp us, 2002). Human Resource Management is vital and is the responsibility of the project manager. He/she needs to take care of his/her team, encourage and motivate members and make sure the team is on a pathway to success, which helps to ensure that the project implementation process moves in the right direction (Campus, 2002). Communication allows good information flow and hence communication management should be one of the critical aspects that project managers should strive to accomplish among senior and junior staff. The project manager needs to prepare a communication plan, communication technique and make sure that there is healthy communication, both internally and externally (Crawford, 2000). The manager is evaluated successfully against each of the factors affecting his/her communication skills. Risk and hazards are inevitable and, hence, there is need for project managers to establish strong risk management strategies. Various risks which exist in a project should be identif ied and a mitigation plan needs to be developed and implemented to ensure that the project is not affected at any point. A project manager determines success or failure of the project based on the work and procurement plans developed before ground breaking. The project manager has a role of ensuring that procurement plans are strategically positioned to enhance the accomplishment of the project objectives. Various materials needed during the project need to be procured and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Virginia and New Jersey plans presented at the Constitutional Essay

Virginia and New Jersey plans presented at the Constitutional Convention - Essay Example Within the two houses of the legislative branch, one branch would consist of people who were to be elected by the citizens for a term of three years while the other branch called for a group of older leaders that state legislatures elected for a term of seven years of service. Under the New Jersey Plan, the proposal was to have a unicameral legislative branch and each state, no matter what the size of its population, would have one vote. This proposal was written as a response to the Virginia Plan to help give smaller states just as strong or equal power to the larger states. The New Jersey Plan gave Congress the power to set and collect taxes. All federal laws trumped state laws. For the Congress, there would be an executive council which could be subjected to a recall by governors of each state. These members would serve a four-year term. In the judicial branch, the executive branch would appoint the members and these members would serve for a life term. There are significant differences in the congressional representation in the plans. The Virginia Plan gave more power to larger states and would base representation of the people on the population of the states. Both houses of the legislature would have representation based on population proportions. The New Jersey Plan called for a representation that was more equal so that each state was on a more even scale. Population would not be the determination of the state’s members and each would have equal representation under this plan because these people thought that this gave the larger states too much power. There would only be one house of legislature and there would be one vote per state. Congress, under the Virginia Plan, had terms of offices that were not specified though they would be made up the three different branches of the government. The legislative branch could deny any state laws if they did not follow suit with

Monday, September 9, 2019

Busness Skills for proposals and Pitches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Busness Skills for proposals and Pitches - Essay Example ith rise in the disposable income of the household and individuals around the world, expenses are also mounting and therefore the people with less income are also purchasing the floriculture products to decorate or beautify their homes. Those who run flower shop business in Coventry UK also offer an extensive variety of package from stylish and simple reception arrangements to the corporate clients. They provide an efficient, professional and reliable service to the customers (Gilesflorist, 2015). Floriculture industry is considered as a main global industry in developed as well as developing countries. Worldwide trade volume is approximated to be over $100 billion annually. The main consumer markets are UK, Germany, US, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland (Ravinath, 2007). People from the entire world make use of floriculture products initially for traditions and customs and then for other purpose (Ravinath, 2007). Organisations and businesses also exploit these products for the purpose of decorations. In the Coventry, UK, the major part of potted plants and flowers are sold through Sainsbury, Waitrose and Tesco’s supermarkets (Ravinath, 2007). In the developed countries, there are artists and local florists selling decorations and ornamentals. The price of the flowers generally goes high during the time of special occasions. One of the ways for the business of flower shop to grow is by establishing affiliations with the event organiser where they ca n offer the flowers according to the event and also arrange it as per the choice of the client. This type of affiliation paves a means for the flower shop companies to grow as well as the growth possibility for this type of business is high (Ravinath, 2007). Strengths: The strengths of this new flower business may incorporate the variety of flowers available in the shop. The company will also provide free shipping on its entire orders. These will be regarded as the positive attributes which will

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sustainability of autoclaved cellular concrete Essay

Sustainability of autoclaved cellular concrete - Essay Example This building material is suitable for formation of inner leaf of cavity walls, walls, floors by combining with aircrete beams, ceilings due to their excellent thermal insulators. They can easily be shaped into anything the builder’s desire making it favorable. This has given rise to a complete construction system with complementary products all over the World.AAC ensures a comfortable environment with all the satisfactions of the modern building (mhe aac, 2013). Advantages of Engineering and constructing using Autoclaved Aerated Concrete. Engineers and constructors who have been in the game for a long time will weigh many options on what kind of building materials to use for construction. They consider the pros and cons of each building materials they have used to advise a client before settling on one. In this case AAC is the building material of choice. The following are some of the factors of autoclaved aerated concrete which make the choice favorable. 1. Portability. ... 2. Flexibility This is evident in shaping, cutting process as it reduces the chance of wasting so much in terms of building materials. This kind of workability will be of so much good to a client in cutting costs. Since AAC has the ability to offer a combination of structural capability and insulation it makes it suitable for almost everything from walls, roofs and floors. 3. Durability Its ability to resist water, mildew, rotting, rust and insect’s invasion unlike things like timber make it longer lasting. This will ensure a stable construction. 4. Fire Resistance. Autoclaved aerated concrete is known to have a higher thermal mass, provide air tightness making it non combustible. It can resist fire with excellence and will not produce toxic fumes unlike other building materials due to their R-value which is slightly higher than R-1. 5. Air leakage is very low as compared to other building materials due to its production process. Its however not fair to talk of only advantages without mentioning a few drawbacks related to AAC.According to a report written by Stefan Schnitzler AAC has some disadvantages more so in the United States. Stefan states that in the US there are a few manufacturers and the only manufacturer Hebel Operations who was left moved his operations to Mexico making it a bit expensive hence not adopted by many US citizens (Melton, 2012). He also mentions that since the mortar application process has to be precise builders need to learn on curves (Melton, 2012). In the US the material has to come from Mexico meaning that the probability of an increase in mileage will result to a higher cost as well. AAC is only good for residential building rather than for high rising buildings